Database History Workshop. Siegen University, July 4, 2019

Title: Database History Workshop
Venue: Siegen University, Germany
Dates: July 4, 2019
Organizers: Thomas Haigh & Sebastian Gießmann

In preparation for Phase II of the Media of Cooperation project, this is a small and informal event to explore connections between scholars interested in the history of database systems. We are particularly concerned with the idea of database systems as infrastructure and as enablers of specific forms of digital materiality.

July 4, 2019

10:00-10:20: Introductions & Welcome. (NB: in a departure from local practice we will start on time).

10:20 – 11:50. Databases and the Master Narrative of Computer History. Chair: Thomas Haigh. Explores the treatment of database history in the new edition of A History of Modern Computing (Ceruzzi & Haigh, forthcoming MIT Press circa 2020).


11:50-1:30: Lunch

13:30-15:30: Writing Database History. Chair: Thomas Haigh. Discussion of draft material circulated by participants for discussion. Also a chance for students and postdoctoral staff to raise questions about how to approach database history issues relevant to their own research.

Texts (a link to these has been circulated to participants):

  • Francis Hunger, “Unified Software Within the Discourse of the GDR as Socialist State.” (translation of dissertation material)
  • Moritz Feischtinger, “Computing Counterinsurgency: Digital Systems Analysis in the War for South Vietnam, 1967-1973.” (early draft)
  • Sebastian Gießmann, “How to Coordinate Digital Accounting? Infrastructuring Payment and Credit with the EUROCARD, 1977-1985” (preprint of chapter now published)

15:30-16:00. Coffee break.

16:00-17:40. Databases and the Media of Cooperation. Chair: Sebastian Gießmann. discussion of how to engage with DBMS history from the viewpoint of the concerns of phase II of the Media of Cooperation project. Connections between DBMS technology and intranet infrastructure are particularly important.

17:40-18:00. Wrap up and ideas for next steps. Is there potential for an ongoing working group in database history? Who else should be involved? How can this be connected to programs underway at Siegen and elsewhere?

18:30. Dinner at Da Luciano (Koblenzer Straße 29; 57072 Siegen).

Hengarten 3, 57072 Siegen. This is in the city center, very close to the main train station and restaurants, rather than in the main university campus.  Unless noted otherwise, all events take place in room 210/11. Scroll to the bottom of this page for maps and logistics.

Logistics. This map shows the pedestrian route to Herrengarten 3 from Siegen train station, a very short walk though the central shopping area. The driving route from the city center motorway exit is also visible.


There are several shopping complexes with large parking garages very close to the venue. The Parkhaus Reichwalds Ecke has been recommended to me as the most convenient place to park (map link).

Getting to the venue from the H-Hotel (formerly the Ramada) is a slightly longer walk – just over 1 kilometer straight down Sandstrasse to the city center.


Sponsors: This workshop is supported by the SFB “Media of Cooperation” initiative, as part of project A01: Digitally networked media between specialization and universalization.